Custom designs
Norcross Sculpture
The Norcross Sculpture (2019) was a private commission for a beautiful new home built in Coatesville, Auckland. The diamond shaped structure was made using clear acrylic with an iridescent film that changes colour in the light. The diamond was bent in specific areas to catch the wind and boasts a large crystal in the centre that casts rainbow silhouettes to the surroundings. Lastly, the sculpture was completed with the family name laser cut from aluminium and custom painted stones featuring the names of their children and grandchildren.
The Inspiration Garden Sign
The Inspiration Garden Sign (2020) was a commission piece created for the launch of The Inspiration Garden; a unique makers market started in Wellington. The Inspiration Garden showcases Wellington's best designers and artists and takes you behind the scenes as you witness the makers creating their products right in front of your eyes. The sign is approximately half a metre in size and is a representation of the Inspiration Garden Logo. The centre circle is free to rotate and spin in the wind.